Having a small garden doesn’t mean you have to miss out on having a great garden. With most of us living busy lives, having an acre of grass to cut every week isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. If your garden is on the smaller side, keep reading to find out the top five ways to make the most of it.
Don’t just paint the fence
If your garden is surrounded by a fence, it makes sense to paint it a nice light colour to make the area feel more spacious. But don’t stop there, painting any brickwork in your garden such as a garage wall can make an instant improvement. Using colours such as blue, cream, sage or grey can add plenty of style to your garden making it look modern, fresh and welcoming. Nowadays there are plenty of outdoor wood and masonry paints to choose from leaving no excuse for having to put up with standard brown outdoor paint!
Make use of levels
Adding levels to your garden can make any small space look instantly bigger. Raised flowerbeds or steps up to a laid lawn or shed add interesting focal points to your garden, distracting you from its small size. Low walls and borders also provide guests with extra spaces to sit making garden parties that little bit easier as well as providing more places to feature your ever-growing collection of potted plants.
Buy furniture that fits
It’s easy to go straight to your local garden centre and buy a huge 5-piece rattan furniture set but try not to overpower your garden with unnecessary furniture. A simple fold-out table with a couple of wooden chairs will make any courtyard style garden look sweet. However, if you have space, then a corner sofa and coffee table can provide plenty of seating areas for the whole family. Consider adding lots of texture and fabrics in the form of pillows and throws to help break up the space too.
Tame your plants
Small gardens don’t have as much flexibility when it comes to overgrown plants. As soon as they start to get a little too big, they can quickly look messy and dampen the mood in your space. Make sure you keep shrubs, bushes and trees maintained to keep your garden looking it’s best all summer long. If you don’t have space for planting straight into the ground, make use of pots to keep your garden green. Hang them from walls and fences, create vertical planters or invest in some trellis to add colour to your garden.
Invest in some outdoor lighting
As the nights start to draw in, make sure your small garden is just as inviting in the evening as it is during the day. Solar panel lights come in all shapes and sizes from wall-mounted lights and fairy lights to those that sit nicely in flower beds. Adding light to your garden will ensure that you can make the most of your small garden all year round ensuring all the hard work you’ve put into making it look so great isn’t wasted for half of the year!
As the number one estate agent in Corby, we have plenty of experience selling homes with small and large gardens! If you need advice on how to prepare your garden for sale, read our related articles or get in touch with the team today. We’re here to help you on your property journey.
Call 01536 202007 or email info@simpsonwest.co.uk to discuss.